Fresh calls have been made to dual a notorious single-carriageway in Norfolk following a spate of incidents which caused havoc to motorists.

The campaign to dual the Acle Straight A47 has seen a fresh plea for people to have their voices heard after four incidents saw two people sent to hospital and hours of gridlocked traffic on the main gateway to Great Yarmouth.

Longtime campaigner Mick Castle has urged people to add their names to the list of 1,000-plus signatures on an active petition to dual the road.

Former Norfolk County councillor and Acle Straight campaigner Mick Castle.Former Norfolk County councillor and Acle Straight campaigner Mick Castle. (Image: Archant Norfolk Photographic © 2011) Mr Castle said during the pandemic, around 5,500 signatures drawn from three separate petitions "came to nothing".

"We need to impress on the new government how important it will be and that we will not be ignored," said Mr Castle.

"Dualling the road is still absolutely vital to Great Yarmouth. Both to reduce the risk of accidents and to better link the county with the ports at Yarmouth and Lowestoft."

The Acle Straight.The Acle Straight. (Image: Denise Bradley) Graham Plant is county councillor responsible for transport and chair of the A47 Alliance, which has campaigned to see the entire A47 made into a dual carriageway.

He said the priority is to get the dualling of the Acle Straight on the National Highways list of upcoming works needed for the country.
He added that finishing works at the town's Vauxhall Roundabout was the first step as it would connect with a dualled Acle Straight. Mr Plant said the £30m needed for the Vauxhall project had been "set aside".

"Work is progressing now to get that delivered," he added.

"We're wiggling what we can on our level. Anybody else helping along the way would be most useful."

Councillor Graham Plant.Councillor Graham Plant. (Image: Jamie Honeywood Archant Norwich Norfolk) Also joining in the fight is Great Yarmouth MP Rupert Lowe, who has invited the head of National Highways to see the road first hand to get the process moving. 

In a letter, Mr Lowe said the "infamous road" - which has caused loss of life as well as traffic delays - is "strangling investment into the area".

"Great Yarmouth is being even further left behind, and the road is a driving factor behind that," he added.


In his letter to the National Highways chief, Mr Lowe suggested a temporary measure introducing enforced average speed limits and banning all overtaking on the road.

Great Yarmouth MP Rupert Lowe.Great Yarmouth MP Rupert Lowe. (Image: James Weeds) This sentiment has been echoed on social media, with some saying it is a better alternative than dualling the Straight.

However, Mr Castle said: "You see what happens when a car breaks down. It slows up the town for the whole day.

"Back in the 80s and 90s, people said we should just widen the road or put in a barricade down the middle of the road. But unless you have a dual carriageway, there is always potential for major disruption.

"And Yarmouth cannot afford that."

The ongoing petition can be found at and searching 'DUAL THE A47 ACLE STRAIGHT BETWEEN ACLE & GREAT YARMOUTH'