A man has been arrested after two homes were broken into and burgled last week.

The first break-in happened at a property on Grange Road in Caister shortly before 1.20am on October 20 when someone entered the home by smashing the glass on its rear door.

Three days later a second home in Winnifred Way was burgled after a suspect entered through an insecure window at around 9.20pm.

Once in the property, a handbag and some jewellery were reported to be stolen.

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Following the events, a man in his 30s has since been arrested on suspicion of burglary and bailed to appear in court.

A spokesman for Great Yarmouth Police said: "We will continue to be out on pro-active foot patrols across Great Yarmouth and Gorleston whenever we can be while investigating these and other reports."

Officers are also issuing advice to increase home security during the winter months as thieves take advantage of the darker hours.

Advice can be found at www.norfolk.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention.